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Mary Help of Christian Center Soft Opening

事實上,進教之佑中心在 1 月下旬,在總主教恭美智舉行開幕禮後,我們均以為很快即可啟用。惟要拿得入伙紙,得到市政府不同部門的批准, 可不是容易的事:有消防的、衛生的、渠務的、電機的...等等不同部門的批准;一部門的不批准或延誤、即影響下一部門的審核。最後,在 10 月中,我們的中心終於拿到入伙紙,並收到保險文件後,
在上主日 10 月 22 日正式開始啓用。主日學、成人慕道班、歌詠團、及聖母
2023 年 10 月 24 日

The peace of the Lord be with you always.
Our Mary Help of Christian Center is finally open!
Last Sunday, our Sunday school students and teachers started their first lesson in our new building.  After Archbishop Jose Gomez held the opening ceremony at the end of January, we all thought that the MHOCC would be opened soon. As a matter of fact, to obtain the certificate of occupancy of a building, one should first obtain approval from different departments of the city government. There are approvals from different departments, such as the fire department, department of water and power, department of building and safety, etc.; disapproval or delay from one department will affect the review of the next department.  Finally, in mid-October, our center finally got the occupancy certificate and, last week, received the insurance documents. Hence, on October 22nd, last Sunday, our center was officially open. Sunday schools, OCIA (adult catechesis class), choirs, and the Legion of Mary all held classes, practiced songs, and held meetings in the rooms there.
Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the team members responsible for different tasks. When I attend meetings and work with them, I see that they dedicate their time and effort, which is free and selfless.  May God and Our Lady bless and protect them. In addition, I would also like to express my gratitude to our parishioners and friends. With your financial and spiritual support, our Mary Help of Christian Center has finally become a reality and a dream come true.
Let us praise God and be willing to take up the responsibility of evangelization and express the good news of Christ—his enlightenment of truth and interpretation of love—in our daily words and deeds.
May God bless you all!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Peter
October 24, 2023

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