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Mary Help of Christians Center
Support Our Community Center Development
St. Bridget has experienced tremendous growth especially over the last three decades. We now serve over 200+ families with over 50 children in religious education, and more than 20 various sodalities. In addition, the parish hosts many faith formation and community outreach activities.
Currently, the church does not have any indoor classrooms for our Religious Education program. Our CCD and confirmation classes are held at Cathedral High School. It is always a hassle for our families to travel between the church and the high school to drop off and pick up their children.
Also, limited physical assembly space has always been a challenge for our community. The biggest indoor gathering space available at present is the living room at St. Joseph House, which has a maximum capacity for about 50 people. On Sundays, our conference rooms at both the Mary Help of Christians House and St. Joseph House are fully occupied with pastoral and sodality meetings, English and Chinese choir practices, boy and cub scouts functions, dance group practices, and many other informal gatherings. For larger events, such as Chinese New Year fair, Thanksgiving dinner, and Taste of St. Bridget etc, we have to host these events outdoor subjecting to the possibility of weather challenges.
羅省華人天主堂在過去數十年間經歷過顯著的成長。我們現時提供服務給超過二百個家庭,五十位兒童宗教培育課程(CCD) 的學生、二十多個善會、和多項外展服務及福傳活動。
Our plan is to build a multi-purpose indoor facility, named the “Mary Help of Christians Center”, to provide us with the much needed indoor space to achieve our core missions: to enrich the spiritual life of our parishioners, unite and expand the congregation, promote the spiritual growth of our youth, evangelize the Chinese in Los Angeles, and support the Chinese Catholic Community.
我們的計劃是建立一個多功能的室內設施,將會被命名為「聖母進教之佑中心」,使我們能夠實現我們的核心使命:培育教友的靈修生活, 團結會眾發展組織,促進青年靈修成長,推動華人福傳工作,以及服務華人社區。
Please Support Our Community Center Development Fund
Online Donation via Zelle
網上 Zelle 捐款 :
Online Donation via Paypal
網上捐款 : https://ccala-ca.org
Make check payable to CCALA
支票捐款抬頭請寫 CCALA
Mail to 請郵寄:
Chinese Catholic Association of Los Angeles
445 Cottage Home Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
May God bless you and your family!
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