Praise the Lord! The Mary Help of Christian Community Center is recently opened after several approval process from city departments. We finally received the certificate of occupancy in mid-September and officially opened on October 22nd. Sunday schools, OCIA (adult catechesis class), choirs, and the Legion of Mary meetings are now being held in the new building. Everyone is encouraged to embrace their role in evangelization and spread the words of Christ.
感謝天主, 在主日 10 月 22 日聖母進教之佑大樓正式開始啓用。主日學、成人慕道班、歌詠團、及聖母軍等都先後在那裡的房間上課、練歌及開會。讓我們讚美天主,也願負起福傳的責任,將基督的喜訊--他對真理的啟迪及對愛的詮釋,在我們的日常生活言行中表現出來。